Portia Labiata

Species Name

Portia labiata – This species, commonly known as the White Mustached Portia Jumping Spider, belongs to the Salticidae family of spiders, renowned for their acute vision and advanced hunting tactics.

Geographical Range

The Portia labiata jumping spider is found extensively across Southeastern Asia, including in countries like India, China, Sri Lanka, Burma, Sumatra, Malaysia, Java, Singapore, and the Philippines. This wide distribution reflects the species’ adaptability to different environmental conditions​​​​​​.


These spiders thrive in humid and warm environments, such as forests and secondary forests. They have also adapted to urban environments, often found in warehouses or parking lots. Their ability to inhabit disturbed areas like oil palm plantations indicates their ecological versatility​​​​.

Conservation Status

While there’s no specific data on their conservation status, the widespread presence of Portia labiata suggests they are not currently endangered. However, the lack of detailed conservation studies highlights the need for more focused research in this area.


The White Mustached Portia Jumping Spider, Portia labiata, exhibits fascinating physical characteristics that are not only visually striking but also play a vital role in their survival and behavior.


  • Size Discrepancy Between Sexes: A prominent feature in Portia labiata is the size difference between males and females. Females are typically larger, measuring between 6-9 mm in body length, whereas males are somewhat smaller, ranging from 5-7 mm. This size variation is often seen in spiders and may influence roles in mating and survival strategies.

  • Distinctive Markings and Coloration: One of the most distinguishing features of Portia labiata is the band of white hairs located on the clypeus (the area just above the mouthparts). This distinctive white “moustache” gives them a unique appearance and is more pronounced in females. Their body displays a captivating color palette, with the front part of the body (prosoma) being an orange-brown hue and the rear part (opisthosoma) exhibiting a brownish-black color. These colors not only provide camouflage in their natural habitat but also play a role in species identification and sexual selection.

  • Pattern Variations: There are subtle yet significant pattern differences between males and females. These patterns are not just for aesthetic appeal but are crucial for species recognition during mating. Males often have more pronounced and distinctive markings compared to females, which may include various shades and intricate designs on their bodies.

Life Span

Portia labiata typically lives for about 1-2 years, with potential extension up to 3 years in optimal conditions. Their lifespan encompasses several developmental stages from eggs to adulthood​​.

Life Cycle & Breeding

The mating process of Portia labiata is marked by an elaborate and ritualistic courtship display by males. This behavior includes a series of vibrational signals and visual cues to attract the female’s attention. The male’s courtship dance is a critical determinant in the female’s acceptance for mating. Once the male’s advances are accepted, mating occurs, following which the female lays eggs.


The female spider is meticulous in the care of her eggs. She constructs a silk sac, a secure and protective enclosure, where she deposits her eggs. This sac can contain a large number of eggs, often several hundreds, indicating a high reproductive potential. After laying eggs, the female may exhibit protective behaviors, ensuring the safety of her brood.


The developmental process from eggs to spiderlings is complex and involves several stages. The eggs hatch into spiderlings, which go through multiple molting stages before reaching maturity. Each molting stage signifies growth and development, eventually leading to a fully grown adult spider.


Portia labiata’s hunting strategy is a fascinating blend of patience, intelligence, and adaptability. These spiders are renowned for their exceptional vision, crucial for identifying and tracking prey. However, it’s their strategic approach to hunting that sets them apart. They employ a methodical approach, often involving stealth and patience, to ambush their prey.


Vibrational senses are also integral to their hunting techniques. They can detect and interpret vibrations in their environment, which aids in locating prey even in complete darkness. This ability is especially useful when hunting other spiders, as Portia labiata can decode the vibrational signals in the webs of its prey.


Their predatory behavior is not just about physical prowess but also about cognitive skills. They are known to use problem-solving tactics and can adapt their hunting strategies based on the situation, showcasing a level of intelligence uncommon in arachnids.


The diet of Portia labiata is primarily insectivorous, with a preference for small insects like flies, beetles, and mites. Their hunting skills enable them to tackle a variety of prey, often including other spiders, which indicates a level of cannibalism.


In addition to live prey, Portia labiata occasionally engages in scavenging, consuming dead insects or leftovers from other predators’ meals. Interestingly, they have also been observed to consume plant material on occasion. This opportunistic feeding behavior demonstrates their ability to adapt their diet based on availability, ensuring survival in diverse environments.

Care in Captivity

Portia labiata is increasingly popular as an exotic pet due to its unique characteristics and relatively calm nature. They require a controlled environment that mimics their natural habitat, with specific humidity and temperature settings. A vivarium or terrarium setup is ideal, providing ample space for the spider to move and exhibit natural behaviors.


Regular feeding with suitable prey items and maintaining the right environmental conditions are key to their well-being in captivity. Their intelligence and responsive nature make them interesting pets, capable of recognizing and reacting to their owners to some extent. However, they are not typical pets and require careful handling and specific care to thrive in a domestic setting.

Interesting Facts

  • Exceptional Vision and Jumping Skills: Portia labiata is equipped with an advanced visual system, allowing it to accurately judge distances and execute precise jumps. This ability is vital for both hunting and navigating their environment.

  • High Intelligence: This species exhibits remarkable problem-solving skills and can adapt its hunting strategy using trial-and-error methods. Such cognitive abilities are rare among spiders and contribute to their success as predators.
    Dietary Preferences: While females often prefer smaller insects, males may exhibit different hunting patterns, adapting their diet based on prey availability.

  • Predation Risk: In some regions, like the Philippines, Portia labiata is preyed upon by small ants, highlighting its position within the local ecosystem.


These fascinating traits of Portia labiata not only make them a subject of interest for enthusiasts and researchers but also underscore the complexity and diversity of arachnid behaviors and adaptations.
