Learn how to keep a pet arachnid

Close up image of a jumping spider

Jumping Spider Species

Eye pattern of a jumping spider (jumping spider eyes)

Anatomy of Jumping Spiders The body of a jumping spider is a very unique thing. Many people find spiders disturbing, mostly due to their spindly...

hunting behavior of jumping spiders

Behavior of Jumping Spiders Many people glance away from spiders without a second thought, but have you ever watched how they act? More specifically, have...

regal jumping spider

Buying a Jumping Spider Deciding to buy pet jumping spiders should not be a spontaneous choice, but it is also a decision that you are...

enclosure set-up for jumping spiders

Enclosure Set-Up for a Jumping Spider Spiders Web HQ is reader supported, meaning that when you click on product links we may receive a small...

regal jumping spider eating a mealworm

Feeding a Jumping Spider No matter what pet you own, feeding them is essential, and jumping spiders are no different. However, these little creatures have...

male regal jumping spider showing chelicerae

Life Stages of Jumping Spiders The life cycle of jumping spiders is generally the same as any other species of spider. It generally consists of...

Jumping spider sat on a piece of bark
Jumping spider stood on the underside of a leaf

Jumping spiders can jump up to 40 times their body length

Unsurprisingly, jumping spiders do actually have the ability to jump. This ability comes from their back legs; they rely on their segmented legs and hemolymph (or blood, to you and I) flow to do this. 


When a jumping spider wants to jump, they do so by suddenly increasing the hemolymph pressure in their two or four back legs by contracting the muscles in the top half of their bodies. This causes their legs to extend, propelling them forward.


Jumping spiders lack the leg muscles that some hopping insects, like grasshoppers, have.

Tarantula Species

Tarantula anatomy - Silk threads from the tarantula's spinnerets

Anatomy of Tarantulas Understanding tarantula anatomy isn’t just an interest; it is a vital part of owning a pet tarantula. The anatomy of tarantulas relates...

Tarantula behavior - tarantula displaying intimidation tactics

Behavior of Tarantulas A tarantula’s behavior can be considered quite mysterious, especially as they spend a lot of their time hidden away in the wild....

Brazilian Black Tarantula on cork bark

Buying a Tarantula Deciding to buy a tarantula, or any pet for that matter, should not be a spur-of-the-moment choice. Not only do these arachnids...

Bioactive tarantula enclosure

Creating a Tarantula Enclosure Tarantulas require the correct habitat to thrive, so setting up an enclosure to meet your pet arachnid’s requirements is essential. Researching...

tarantula eating a dark cricket

Feeding a Tarantula A proper diet allows tarantulas to grow and thrive, no matter if it’s in the wild or a pet in captivity. Feeding...

Pet tarantula lifespan - Tarantula with phantom egg sac

Life Cycle of Tarantulas Like most spider species, a tarantula’s life will consist of three main stages: eggs, spiderlings, and adults. These stages are similar...

Tarantulas are the largest spiders on the planet

Similar to other spides, like jumping spiders, tarantulas grow by shedding their old exoskeleton and growing a new one. This process can take a few hours or even days to complete.


Tarantulas will continue this process until they reach maturity, which can take three to seven years for males and up to a decade for females.

red knee tarantula in a bioactive enclosure
chilean rose tarantula in the wild