Menemerus Bivittatus

Species Name

Scientific Classification

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Class: Arachnida
  • Order: Araneae
  • Family: Salticidae
  • Genus: Menemerus
  • Species: Menemerus bivittatus

This species, belonging to the diverse and widespread family of jumping spiders, is known for its distinctive jumping ability and unique hunting methods.


Geographical Range

  • Native Origin: The Gray Wall Jumping Spider, Menemerus bivittatus, is originally native to Africa. Its specific origin within Africa is not clearly defined, but it’s assumed to be widespread across the continent due to its adaptability and resilience.
  • Spread and Introduction: Over time, this species has been introduced to various parts of the world, either inadvertently through human activity or naturally by its own dispersal mechanisms. This has led to its presence on multiple continents.

Presence in the United States

  • States with Notable Populations: In the United States, the Gray Wall Jumping Spider is predominantly found in southern states. States like Florida, Texas, and California report significant populations. This is largely due to the warmer climates in these areas, which are more conducive to the spider’s survival and breeding.
  • Habitat Preferences: Within these states, the spider is often found in urban and suburban settings. It has a particular affinity for man-made structures, such as the walls of buildings, where it can hunt and live relatively undisturbed.
  • Adaptation to Urban Environments: The spider’s ability to thrive in urban environments is a testament to its adaptability. It has successfully transitioned from natural habitats in Africa to man-made structures in the United States, showcasing its versatility in habitat preference and survival strategies.

Expansion in South America and the Caribbean

  • South American Regions: Beyond North America, Menemerus bivittatus has also been observed in various countries in South America, including Paraguay. Its presence here suggests a further adaptation to diverse ecological conditions, from tropical to temperate climates.
  • Caribbean Islands: The spider’s presence in some Caribbean islands indicates its ability to survive in island ecosystems, which often present unique challenges such as limited resources and space. This further underscores the spider’s remarkable adaptability and resilience.



  • Adaptability Across Climates: Menemerus bivittatus demonstrates an impressive adaptability to diverse climatic conditions. It thrives in both tropical regions, with their high humidity and consistent temperatures, and temperate zones, which exhibit more seasonal variation in temperature and humidity. This adaptability suggests a high degree of physiological flexibility in coping with different environmental conditions.
  • Tropical Rainforests and Woodlands: In its native habitat in Africa, Menemerus bivittatus is often found in lush, green environments like rainforests and woodlands. These areas provide abundant foliage for shelter and a rich variety of insects for food. The dense canopy and understory offer ideal conditions for hunting and evading predators.

Urban and Suburban Settings

  • Affinity for Human Structures: A key aspect of Menemerus bivittatus’s habitat preference is its tendency to inhabit human-made structures, particularly in non-native regions. This spider is commonly found on the walls of buildings, bridges, and other vertical surfaces in urban and suburban areas.
  • Benefits of Urban Environments: These environments offer several advantages:
    • Abundance of Prey: Buildings tend to attract a variety of insects, providing a steady food source.
    • Warmth and Shelter: Walls and other structures can offer warmth and protection from the elements and predators.
    • Vertical Hunting Grounds: The vertical surfaces mimic the tree trunks of their natural habitat, providing familiar hunting grounds.
  • Impact on Urban Ecosystems: Their presence in urban areas can influence local insect populations and potentially impact the urban ecosystem’s balance. However, they may also contribute positively by controlling pest species.

Adaptation to Varied Environments

  • Survival Strategies: Menemerus bivittatus’s ability to survive in varied environments is partly due to its hunting strategy, which doesn’t rely on webs. This flexibility allows it to exploit a range of habitats that might not be suitable for web-building spiders.
  • Sensory Adaptations: Its excellent vision and agility are crucial in these diverse environments, allowing it to navigate and hunt effectively whether in the dense foliage of a forest or the smooth surface of a building.

Research and Conservation Considerations

  • Ecological Studies: Ongoing ecological studies are important to understand how Menemerus bivittatus interacts with and impacts the diverse environments it inhabits. This includes studying its role as a predator and its interactions with native species.
  • Conservation Implications: While not currently a conservation concern, understanding its ecological role, especially in non-native habitats, is vital for assessing any potential impacts on local biodiversity.


Conservation Status

Environmental Impact and Protection

There is no specific conservation status for Menemerus bivittatus. Its wide distribution and adaptability suggest that it is not currently at risk. However, like all species, it plays a role in its ecosystem, particularly as a predator of small insects.



Morphological Characteristics

  • Body Coloration: Predominantly brown with grayish-white hairs. Dark and light gray patches cover the body.
  • Distinctive Markings: Males have black dorsal stripes, while females have a darker brown body with two black bands.
  • Size Variation: Females are larger, measuring 7-10mm, compared to males at 5-7mm.


Life Span

Average Duration in Wild and Captivity

In the wild, the lifespan is about a year, with some living up to two years in captivity. Females generally outlive males, who often die shortly after mating.


Life Cycle & Breeding

Reproduction and Development

The female lays 25-40 eggs in a silk sac and guards them until hatching, which occurs in about three weeks. The young then disperse and undergo several molts before reaching maturity.



Hunting and Social Interactions

  • Hunting Method: Actively stalks and jumps on prey, utilizing excellent vision and agility.
  • Courtship Display: Males possess a stridulatory apparatus used in mating rituals.
  • Social Behavior: Generally solitary except during mating.



Feeding Habits in Wild and Captivity

Prey includes small insects like flies, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, and crickets. In captivity, they are fed similar feeder insects. They are also known to prey on smaller spiders.


Use as Pets

Keeping Menemerus bivittatus in Captivity

Due to their non-aggressive nature and minimal risk to humans, they are suitable for keeping as pets. They require minimal maintenance, feeding, and a suitable enclosure.


Interesting Facts

Unique Aspects and Adaptations

  • Jumping Ability: Can leap several times their body length, a key adaptation for hunting and evasion.
  • Vision: Possesses some of the best eyesight among invertebrates.
  • Predation: Capable of capturing insects twice their size.
  • Gender Differences: Noticeable differences in size and lifespan between males and females.

Menemerus bivittatus, with its fascinating biology and behaviors, offers a window into the complex world of arachnids. Its adaptability and presence across various continents make it a subject of interest both for casual observers and arachnologists.

