Tan Jumping Spider (Platycryptus undatus)

Species Name

The Tan Jumping Spider, scientifically known as Platycryptus undatus, is a member of the Salticidae family. This spider is distinguished by its unique ability to jump and hunt, rather than spinning webs. It is characterized by its brown, furry appearance, and its large, forward-facing eyes that provide almost 360-degree vision. This spider’s name, “undatus,” alludes to its distinctive physical traits, such as the wavy pattern on top of the spider’s abdomen, and hunting behavior. To read more about the name meaning, click here.

Geographical Range

Tan Jumping Spider inhabits the United States, particularly east of the Great Plains, and extends into southern parts of Canada and northwestern Mexico. They are adaptable and found in diverse environments, including both natural settings and human-occupied areas. Their widespread presence across various states and regions underscores their adaptability to different climatic conditions and habitats.


This species thrives in an array of habitats such as foliage, tree trunks (especially under loose bark), rocks, fences, leaf litter, and walls of buildings. Their flattened bodies enable them to conceal themselves effectively in these environments. This habitat diversity illustrates their versatile nature and ability to thrive in both natural and urban landscapes.

Conservation Status

The conservation status of Platycryptus undatus is not extensively studied. However, they play a crucial role in the ecosystem, primarily in controlling insect populations. Their presence in various environments indicates a stable population, but more research is needed to understand their conservation needs fully.


The Tan Jumping Spider is small to medium-sized, with females larger than males. Their appearance includes a vertically flattened body, aiding in camouflage. The coloration is predominantly brown with white or gray patterns, assisting in blending with their surroundings. Their physical characteristics are vital for survival, aiding in both predation and protection.

Life Span

These spiders have a lifespan of up to three years, a notable duration for arachnids. Their survival is attributed to their hunting skills, adaptive nature, and ability to avoid predators. This lifespan also allows for multiple breeding seasons, contributing to the stability of their populations.

Life Cycle & Breeding

The life cycle involves egg laying, with females creating protective egg sacs. These sacs are meticulously guarded, showcasing the species’ parental care. The lifecycle stages from egg to adult spider involve various molts, each stage presenting different survival and growth challenges.


Notable for their active hunting behavior, Tan Jumping Spiders do not spin webs but instead use their agility and jumping ability to ambush prey. Their interactions with humans are often characterized by curiosity and a lack of aggression, making them one of the more approachable spider species.


Their diet primarily consists of insects such as flies, aphids, and moths. They use their keen vision and jumping ability to pounce on these prey items, playing a significant role in controlling insect populations in their habitats.

Use as Pets

Due to their moderate eating habits, ease of care, and generally friendly nature, Tan Jumping Spiders are considered suitable for keeping as pets. They require minimal maintenance and can be a fascinating addition for those interested in observing arachnid behavior.

Interesting Facts

These spiders are known for their brown colorings, excellent vision, and curious behavior towards humans. They use silk strands for safety during jumps and for creating shelters. Their approach towards humans is often more curious than aggressive, making them a subject of interest for both researchers and enthusiasts.
